Sunday, October 28, 2012

Birthdays and more!

October is a very busy month for us because both of our birthdays fall in this month! For anyone who knows me, knows that I don't really like to share my birthday and I also think that my birthday last for a month! Well, Andrew's falls exactly 2 weeks before mine. Since this year was our first birthdays together as a married couple,  I really wanted to make Andrew's birthday big deal! 
This is the only picture I have from his birthday and his eyes are closed!  ha 

Also, my mom and a few friends came down for a weekend visit the weekend after Andrew's birthday. I really enjoyed having them here and getting to play hostess. We ate out and shopped all weekend! It was a very successful weekend! 

Other than Andrew and I, my mom and several of my friends have birthdays this month too. Several of my friends went to eat out for my birthday and Margaret Baker's birthday! We had a great time catching up! Jacqueline even brought Margaret and I some wonderful cupcakes!

A wonderful dinner with friends! 

My wonderful cupcakes from Jac! 

Finally, for the weekend of my birthday I wanted to go see my family. We had not seen them in three weeks, so I wanted to go see my niece and nephews! We had a great weekend full of family fun! On Saturday, I dropped Andrew off to hang out with his brother, and I got to have some quality time at the park with Jake and Lucy! I also got to go with Jamie to help her get some fall pictures made of the kids.

We had so much fun at the park! 
Jake and Lucy having fun throwing wood chips at me! 

This year at school my sweet students made my birthday very special! I had several students bring me gifts and baked goods! We even had cookie cake at snack time! When I came home from school, Andrew took me out to dinner! We also got our TV back on my birthday. Most of you know we have been without our new TV for 5 months! Over all it was a great birthday month!

Next weekend we will be going to my parents to celebrate the first birthday of this sweet girl! I can't wait to see them! 

Can't believe Lucy will be ONE! 

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